Selenium Testing

Selenium Testing offers a detailed guide on using Selenium for automation testing, including setup, test case management, advanced techniques, and frameworks.

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Selenium Testing

1st April


09:00 AM & 11:00 AM Batches

15th April


06:00 PM & 08:00 PM Batches

29th April


09:00 AM & 11:00 AM Batches

Introduction to Automation Testing
  • Overview of automation testing
  • Benefits and challenges of automation testing
  • Introduction to Selenium and its features
Selenium IDE
  • Installing and configuring Selenium IDE
  • Recording and executing test cases
  • Editing and enhancing test cases
  • Debugging and troubleshooting test cases
Selenium WebDriver
  • Setting up Selenium WebDriver environment
  • Locating elements using various strategies (ID, class name, XPath, CSS selectors, etc.)
  • Interacting with web elements (clicking, typing, selecting, etc.)
  • Handling different types of web elements (text fields, buttons, dropdowns, etc.)
  • Managing windows, alerts, and frames
  • Executing JavaScript using WebDriver
  • Synchronization techniques
Testing Framework
  • Introduction to Testing
  • Creating test suites
  • Test case management using annotations
  • Parameterization and data-driven testing
  • Testing assertions and reporting
Handling Advanced WebDriver Techniques
  • Working with multiple browsers
  • Handling pop-up windows and alerts
  • Handling file uploads and downloads
  • Capturing screenshots and videos
  • Managing cookies and browser history
Test Automation Frameworks
  • Introduction to test automation frameworks
  • Overview of Data-driven framework, Keyword-driven framework, and Hybrid framework
  • Setting up and implementing a framework
Cross-Browser Testing and Mobile Testing
  • Overview of cross-browser testing
  • Configuring and executing tests on different browsers
  • Introduction to mobile testing using Appium
Advanced Topics
  • Introduction to Selenium Grid
  • Handling AJAX-based applications
  • Page Object Model (POM) design pattern
  • Test result analysis and reporting
Software File